Thursday, April 12, 2012

Art of the Enterprise

Art imitates life; or life imitates art?
As we ponder this question, the importance of art becomes real to us, and we realize that the life we make for ourselves is the product of our creativity. It is not difficult to see that life itself is art; and art is life.
From the mundane to the complex fixtures of our environment; from the daily implements that help us get by work to the sophisticated machines that make living comfortable; to the simplest method of doing a task to the complicated processes we undertake to complete a project--- they are all products of creativity. One undeniable fact remain: art is in everything we consume, use, and the way we do things to survive and prosper in this world.
This is true in business as well. Running a business, as many of us know it, and the way it is frequently stereotyped, is a difficult job that requires indifference. An entrepreneur is often cold, calculating, and apathetic to concerns outside his business. Like the market he serves, the entrepreneur is not so much troubled about the impact of his decisions on others, as their impact on the bottom line. To him, the important thing is to generate revenues, earn a hefty profit, and grow the business.  However, many successful entrepreneurs are nowhere near the cold hearted and uncaring individuals they are portrayed to be. They are really artists who are passionate about their business and the way their products and services impact on the market---these be institutions, communities, or people. Their products, services, and the processes they conform to are the result of creative thought. Works of art that call for the artistry of the entrepreneur. It is this creative spark that gives the enterprise the human face, its color, and the vitality that is its culture.

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